The VKPAK multihead weigher family of combination scales are commonly used when applications require the highest accuracy and over all throughput.
स्वचालित तौल भरिने मेसिन सही रूपमा वितरण गर्न र ब्यागहरू, डिब्बाहरू, ट्रे, बक्सहरू, जारहरू र कन्टेनरहरूमा उत्पादहरूको विस्तृत श्रृंखला भर्न डिजाइन गरिएको हो।
Designed for long term use and dependability the VKPAK includes a stainless steel frame, tool-less tilting hopper that requires no change-over when running multiple applications; tool-less removable contact parts, and standardized components that reduce maintenance costs.